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This Site is further expanded in the future. This is version 1.3
Last modified: 27-12-2014 'Technical update; PHP4-->PHP5.' To see the changes: Changes
  Login ID:

! It is really free and your entered data remains your own property !

1. Register as traveller. help
2. Open a journey. help
3. Invite your friends to follow your journey. help
4. Bring in position-reports and (if you like) your track. help


For whom is Jade1,
and what does it:
the application
Terms of Use
Read it once!

Sailor? Look at
(sailing)weather along your journey?
!! Swedisch weather !!
So do I!

A few days of sailing on vacation? Look at:
also for sailing lessons and experience.

Windsurf Monnickendam

Summer or winter apartment in Austria? Haus Bergquelle even in winter snowboard school.

biker or hiker? look also at another GMap application: Stepscounter Input an placename (London, Hengelo, Stockholm, Ramsau am Dachstein) at 'Jump to' and you get your environment. Then 'Start recording' to create a route. You can even create a gpx route file.
Once there was an idea .....:
"If you are traveling, you want to report your position to a central location,
so all your friends can see on a map where you are."

Luckily there was someone who quickly made a prototype.
Unfortunately, the system went out the air already after one year.
From year 2009, this new position reporter is in use.

Now I am retired and I have the time to implement the idea into a website.
..... But it takes a while, because I am a Newbie in terms of website build and still has almost everything to learn.
In my project, the first version will go "Live" at the beginning of the 2009 sailing season. The first pilot piece took all 3 days more than expected. After a winter puzzling there is now a prototype that has sufficient functionality.
Loading of the links will take quite long, as after one minute is nothing happening, you feel free to click the link again. The Routemap(Gmap) application requires a lot of memory, so close the pages you no longer need.
You should occasionally have to scroll down (or slide control) to the left to see the links.
To get the fold out of the blue menu buttons to work, the top of the sheet have to be completely in sight.
From the Home menu, you can find the explanation pages. about the different parts of this application.

To give you an idea what the final result for the followers of a traveller approximately should be, you look around here: Click the example:
Example: A bicycle tour
(The opening will take some time!)

Click on the following link for the specification components of my application:
Start-documentation of position reporter

Click here for your response/comment.
(The opening will take some time!)