Weather Forecasts Coasts

This site is part of the position-reporter: Jade1

** Links to weather-sites for touring in the Baltic Sea. **

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dansk: dansk

Here, first the links to the original sites of SMHI, DMI, DWD, FMI, YRNO, KNMI:
Kustväder , Farvandsudsigter , Küstenwetter , weather-and-sea, smabat tekstvarsel, Marifoon weerbericht
for those who have an inexpensive Internet connection.

At the bottom of the home page of my site Position reporter (Jade1) you will find a reaction-link for questions or problems.
That may also straight with an email to :
or at acute problems with a SMS to +31651914507

     Behind here per country the weather-links, you can always return to this page by a browser return.
On the end of this page, you can read why this page is created.
The old view, as a reference: with the old classification: the new classification of coastal weather and hav
Click on an area for the weather now ( ~ 50Kb/gebied ):
SMHI Karta över Sverige med väderprognoser för angränsande kuststräckor Haparanda - Bjuröklubb Bjuröklubb - Örskär Utklippan - Hallands Väderö Hallands väderö - Nordkoster Vänern Vättern Mälaren - Hjälmaren Gotlands farvatten Örskär - Landsort Landsort - Utklippan 1. Haparanda - Bjuröklubb
2. Bjuröklubb - Örskär
3. Örskär - Landsort
4. Landsort - Utklippan
5. Gotlands farvatten
6. Utklippan - Hallands Väderö
7. Hallands Väderö - Nordkoster

8. Vänern
9. Vättern
10. Mälaren - Hjälmaren

The cursor on a number of the picture,
gives the old area name.
     --> Sweden-Northeast:
Bjuröklubb - Skagsudde
Skagsudde - Kuggören
Kuggören - Örskär
Örskär - Söderarm
--> Sweden-East:
Söderarm - Sandhamn
Sandhamn - Landsort
Gotlands farvatten
Landsort - Häradsskär
Häradsskär - Oskarshamn
Oskarshamn - Utklippan
--> Sweden-South:
Utklippan - Hanö
Hanö - Sandhammaren
Sandhammaren - Falsterbo
--> Sweden-West:
Falsterbo - Hallands Väderö
Hallands Väderö - Nidingen
Nidingen - Måseskär
Måseskär - Nordkoster
     --> lakes(inland ):
Dalbosjön (Vänern)
Värmlandssjön (Vänern)

around Bornholm :     Østersøen omkring Bornholm     
Sund & Belt :     bælthavet og sundet     
Kattegat :     Kattegat     
Skagerrak :     Skagerrak     
Fisher :     Fisker     
German Bight :     Tyske Bugt     
Western Baltic Sea :     Vest Østersø     
five days forecast :     Fem døgns udsigter     
DMI Western Baltic
The Danish West Baltic weather
(text with advertisement pictures!)
     which would also include links
to the other Danish sail-areas.
DMI several days forecast
Danish 5 day forecast
(text with advertisement pictures!)
     which would also include links
to the other Danish sail-areas.
DMI Danish sailing weather
various wind and current images.
(with pictures, so extra Mb !)
     Denmark and the Baltic
-->Åland :     local weather Åland
+the Finnish sea weather
     Hammarland, Lemland, Geta, and
-->Finland-West :     local weather Finland-West
+the Finnish sea weather
     Pori, Rauma, Uusikaupunki, and
-->Finland-NWest :     local weather Finland-NWest
+the Finnish sea weather
     Kemi, Oulu, Raahe, and
Kokkola, Vaasa
-->Finland-South :     local weather Finland-Zuid
+the Finnish sea weather
     Hanko, Helsinki, Kotka
sea weather Finland :     the Finnish sea weather      in mere text. 
FMI Finnish Baltic Sea
Finland's Baltic Sea weather
(with picture ~ 1.5 Mb !)
     animated pictures, wind.
(to stop the animation, you move the cursor itself on one of the hourlines )
Norwegian sailing weather :     Smabat tekstvarsel      in mere text.
-->Local weather reports for trips by
trip from Holl-wad to
:     Texel-Norderney      Texel, Ameland, Lauwersoog, and
Delfzijl, Borkum, Norderney.
trip from German-wad to
:     Norderney-Cuxhaven      Norderney, Langeoog, Wangeroog, and
Cuxhaven, Helgoland.
trip from Holtenau to
:     Holtenau-Vordingborg      Holtenau, Fehmarn, Bagenkop, and
Spodsbjerg, Femø, Vordingborg.
trip from Denmark to
:     Vordingborg-Ystad      Vordingborg, Nyord, Fakse Bugt, and
Falstebrorev, Ystad.
trip Fehmarn to
:     Fehmarn-Gdansk      Fehmarn, Rügen, Kołobrzeg, and
Ustka, Gdańsk.
trip Polen to
:     Gdansk-Riga      Gdańsk, Ventspils, Kolkasrags, and
trip Letland to
:     Kolkasrags-Tallinn      Kolkasrags, Kärdla, Haapsalu, and
trip Den Helder to
:     DenHelder-Calais      Den Helder, IJmuiden, Hoek v Holland, and
Vlissingen, Blankenberge, Calais.
trip Calais to
:     Calais-Hull      Calais, Dover, Ramsgate, Ipswich and
Lowstoft, River Orwell, Hull.
trip Kopenhagen to
:     København-Kristiansand      Kopenhagen, Helsingborg, Grenå, Frederikshavn and
Skagen, Arendal, Kristiansand.
trip Kristiansand to
:     Kristiansand-Oslo      Kristiansand, Tvedestrand, Langesund, Tønsberg and
Holmestrand, Drøbak, Oslo.
trip Oslo to
:     Oslo-Göteborg      Oslo, Drøbak, Frederikstad, Skjaerhalden and
Lysekil, Göteborg, Varberg.
***** Coasts of Norway
(the original Norwegian site)
     directly to
1. Marine weather :     Seewetterbericht Nord- Ostsee      text;+3days-,+medium-term Weather
2. Coast :     Küstenwetter      text;+Marine-,+medium-term Weather
3. Wind :     Windvorhersage      text;+Marine-, +3days Weather
4. 3days Marine forecast :     Seewetter 3 Tage      text;+medium-term Weather
5. medium-term Weather :     Mittelfristseewetter      text;
DWD Marine Weather
Seewetter 3 Tage Ostsee
Seewetter 3 Tage Nordsee
(the original DWD site)
     which includes the links to Wind,
Coast-, 3days and medium-term Weather.
KNMI Marine Weather :     Scheepsweerbericht      KNMI Marine Weather + Dutch medium-term Weather
Dutch sailing weather :     Marifoon weerbericht      Dutch sailing weather + Dutch medium-term Weather
KNMI Dutch coast :     Dutch sailing weather      the Dutch weather
containing links to the general KNMI more days forecast.

Why this Weather page?
routing with a yacht overseas, you often have an expensive Internet connection, so
- most text only, minimum number of pictures and animations;
- Easy access to two areas: area where you are and the area where you are going;
- Primarily wind forecast, but also temperature, sunshine and precipitation can be important;
- Not only the forecast for today, but also the more-days predictions;
- Also warnings for that area;
- If possible, also insight into the overall weather situation;
For weather sites from various countries, it is difficult to completely satisfy you with these requirements, which is the reason why I,
(by using the information provided by the weather sites) present only the forecast requested by the user in text form.
Thus, in 2 (sometimes 3 ) clicks the forecast of two consecutive sailing areas is approachable, even across national borders.
June 2020: Fortunately, the costs per Mbyte within Europe have fallen sharply since 2009. For the sites of Finland, Sweden and Denmark, links to the relevant page are now provided and no more text selection.

This site is part of the position-reporter: Jade1